Why our love for real bread is here to stay
If we’ve learned anything from this year it’s that home baking can provide a much-needed means of escape.
2020 saw an army of first-time bakers discover a new passion for sourdough making. It’s also given those with a life-long love of loafs, the license to ramp up their baking to whole new levels.
Our very own Head of Baking and Master Baker, Wayne Caddy, reveals why this love affair with real bread is here to stay for the long-term.
“Lots of people turned to baking their own bread earlier this year. It was a phenomenon that swept the country. With lockdown, people turned to making their own bread at home or in the garden on their newly purchased woodfired pizza ovens.
For many baking has been very therapeutic and relaxing. Baking really can help focus the mind and does help to de-stress. There is something so satisfying about baking bread and about creating something from scratch.
Baking can be addictive though so I think we will see lots more interest in baking in general. Even before this year, the popularity of artisan and home baking had dramatically increased. The art of sourdough and baking isn’t going to go away anytime soon.
Health benefits
Baking real bread is healthier too and has many benefits and people are realising this. Most people that love and enjoy cooking want to add more to their meal. Bread bought from a supermarket is made to last for months. It’s full of additives or e-numbers and are often gas flushed to modify the atmosphere. They are usually made with non-organic ingredients or with little regard for the fermentation time which can impact on gut digestion.
The freshness and satisfaction of making your own breads to go with a meal play a big part in the rewards of baking. There are real benefits too from making simple flatbreads from around the globe at home with your suitable favourite meal.
A lot of flatbreads are really simple and easy to make too once you know how. It’s even something you can get the kids involved in too, baking together as a family. Flatbreads are sure to become a firm favourite and part of the meal.”
If you want to master the art of baking, there are a series of courses planned next year. Read on to find out more. Keep an eye on our YouTube channel too for demonstrations and check out Wayne’s top tips for taking your baking to the next level.