Andrew Sharp
Andrew 'Farmer Sharp' was brought up on a mixed farm in Cumbria.
At the age of 13 he went to work in a butchers’ shop, which had its own farm and abattoir. At that time they were one of the few butchers’ shops selling lambs and pigs from the local area and a full range of game; plucked, dressed and prepared in the shop. They were also hanging and maturing its beef, the old fashioned way, which has now become all the rage in the artisanal butchery sector.
For 15 years Andrew ran his own medium sized, British Retail Consortium approved cutting plant selling herdwick lamb, herdwick mutton, galloway beef, naturally reared pink veal and air dried mutton from Cumbria to all over the UK, to the EU and even Hong Kong.
He is a founding member of the Mutton Renaissance Campaign, inspired by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and run day to day by the Academy of Culinary Arts.
Andrew has made several media appearances including the Radio 4 Food program, Kill it Cook it Eat it to Turn Back Time The High Street and Hugh’s 3 Good Things, to name but a few.

Andrew's Courses